my disposition.
I'm employed but under-employed, and certainly waiting for the ax to fall. Worse than the anticipation, though, is working in an office where morale is rock-bottom after the lay-offs of about 2/3 of our fellow-employees and a big loss of business. Forty hours a week of demoralization takes its toll no matter how upbeat you try to force yourself to be.

My ex is also very ill - struggling with the effects of radiation and chemo treatments for his cancer. Although we two are no longer close, I do feel compassion. And I'm sad for our grown children who deal with this more closely than I. One doesn't expect to see a parent so gravely ill at such a young age.
And one certainly doesn't expect one's child to face serious health challenges. But my step-son is now up against some complications from a heart surgery he had when he was only a few weeks old. We're all praying that these complications have an easy fix and that his prognosis is for a long and healthy life. Right now, it's the scary phase. The unknown.

Let me remember to love the miracle of every moment. Let me keep perspective about my place in this world. And although I am alone, I am not alone. My wish is for this hard season to pass without any more hardships, and for the weeks ahead to bring a new cycle of joyful beginnings.
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