Hello world! It's Smee! If you're as old as I am, you might know where Smee comes from. If not, you can Google it. Or click on the link. I made it easy for you.
If you're as old as I am, you might relate to that aging-hippy feeling of being a true nature child, gone gray and walking into the arms of AARP trailing clouds of patchouli. I'm so glad to be a crone, but it's just the latest stop along my journey of being exactly who I am. Wysiwyg (a techie acronym for what you see is what you get). Wizzywig 24/7.
I'm also a writer. I've been a lot of other things including: vet tech, garden center lackie, respiratory therapist, general office lackie, college instructor, "higher education administrator," and entrepreneur.
The latter means that I'm facing unemployment and am trying to start my own business in writing and editing. I've wanted to be a writer since I was in the third grade, when I wanted to write a book on archeology of all things. In fourth grade I wrote a play I called The Cotton Factors. I studied writing in college, ad nauseum; I have three graduate degrees to prove it.
Anyway, enough about me. I dast not tarry on my journey into AARPdom, but I'll be dancing all the way. And along the way, I'll be writing about whatever strikes my fancy. You're welcome to tag along.
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